The game of Futsal is a fun, fast-paced game of soccer played indoors, traditionally on a basketball court. There are five-players aside consisting of a goalkeeper and four players on the field.
The minimum number of players on each team:
COM (Competitive Teams) - minimum # players is 7 (no exceptions)
REC (Recreational Teams) - minimum # players is 8 and maximum is 12
Team Jersey Rules for 2025:
We follow the USYF Championship Series Rules, which state:
"The Team listed first on the schedule is the HOME team. The HOME team is to wear white/lighter color jerseys. If the HOME team complies and there is a conflict, the VISITING team must change jerseys. If the HOME team does not comply and there is a color conflict, then the HOME team must change colors."
Below are some most frequently asked questions regarding Futsal.

- What age group should my child play in? For the best Futsal experience, your child should play in the same age group as they did during the Fall outdoor season, even if they have a birthday before the Futsal season begins. For example, if your child played for a U10 team, then they should play in the U10 Futsal group, even if they turned 10 years of age. Futsal recognizes that some players will be 10 years of age by this time, but our objective is to keep existing teams together.
- What is the difference between competitive and recreation division? The competitive category is generally for the player who has played on a competitive soccer team (traveling team) in the past. If your child has only participated in your league's recreational soccer program, then they should play in the recreational division. Most Important: If your child is a Competitive outdoor soccer player and has never played Futsal, they must be placed in a Recreation level for their first Futsal year.
- My child wants to play Futsal but is not on a team and does not have a coach. Sign your child up as an Individual Player, and we will place him/her in a group based on their age, gender, and will play in the REC division on a team with other players without a coach. A parent coach will be assigned prior to the beginning of the season. Also, our Marin Futsal Academy is an excellent spot for new and returning players from ages 5-9 (Kindergarten to 4th grade). Refer to our website for more information: Marin Futsal Academy.
- My child is on a team with a registered Marin Futsal coach. How do I make sure my player gets on the right team? When you register your child, if his/her Coach has already registered, you will be able to choose the coach's name from the dropdown menu on the online registration. If you do not see their name, then type the Coach's name in the space provided on the form named "OTHER."
- When are the season schedules for the 2025 Marin Futsal Season available? Schedules are available approximately December 28th weekend. Remember, games begin the weekend of January 11 & 12, 2025.
- When does registration open for the 2025 Marin Futsal Season? Registration opens on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, and closes December 8, 2024, for Coaches. If you are a Player on a team with a registered Coach, you may register up to December 18, 2024. If a registered Coach does not have the minimum number of players registered by December 18th, the team will not be able to participate. Click here to go directly to our secured registration site:
- When does Coach registration open and the fee? Registration for Coaches is open from Tuesday, October 1, 2024, through Sunday, December 8, 2024, The fee is $35.00 to register as a Coach. After December 8, 2024, the late fee is $50.00 to register as a Coach. The last day to register as a Coach/Team is December 8, 2024. If you miss the Coach registration deadline, you need to call our office immediately, and if there is room in your age group, gender, and division, your team may be included in the 2025 Marin Futsal Winter League season: 415-847-4154.
- When is the Marin Futsal Master Schedule completed and released to Coaches/Players? As soon as Coach Registration ends (December 8th), we begin to create the 2025 Master Futsal Winter Schedule. The schedule will be released the last week of December, approximately December 28th. Note: We take into consideration other sports events playing at the same time (flagfootball and basketball), and we do our best to accommodate as many players as possible.
- When does the 2025 Marin Futsal Season begin and end? The 2025 Marin Futsal Winter League begins the weekend of January 11 & 12, 2025, and ends the weekend of March 8 & 9, 2025, with the possibility of makeup games being scheduled the following weekend. There will be no sessions on February 15-16, 2025, due to President's Day Holiday.
- Are there practice games? There are no practice games.
- Where will the 2025 Marin Futsal league games be held? Our gyms are located in Marin County at various facilities in Tiburon, Corte Madera, Kentfield, San Rafael, Fairfax, and Novato. Our website has gym locations listed.
- How are Special Requests / Friend Requests handled? Every season we strive to accommodate special requests to the best of our ability. On the online registration form, there is an opportunity to make a Special Request, i.e., friend request. Please note that in some cases we may not be able to fulfill a request, due to situations beyond our control. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
- What is the dress attire to play Futsal? A t-shirt, shorts, socks and shin guards, tennis shoes (no black soles). If your child is associated with an outdoor soccer team, players may wear their uniform. Currently, we do not expect masks as mandatory.
- What is the rule if both teams show up with the same color jersey?
Team Jersey Rules for 2025: We follow the USYF Championship Series Rules, which state:
"The Team listed first on the schedule is the HOME team. The home team is to wear white/lighter color jerseys. If the home team complies and there is a conflict, the visiting team must change jerseys. If the home team does not comply and there is a color conflict, then the home team must change colors."
- Player / Coach Fee: 2025 Player registration/insurance fee is $275.00. Coach registration/insurance fee is $35.00 and $50.00 after 12/8/24.
- What is your refund policy? December 31, 2024, is the last day to ask for a full player refund: $275.00 less $30.00 for irretrievable registration and credit card fees from Demosphere to be returned to the credit card used for purchase: ($275.00 - $30.00 = $245.00). On January 1, 2025, and up to Opening Day, January 11, 2025, any refund requests will include an additional admin fee of $35.00: ($275.00 - $30.00 - $35.00 = $210.00 total refund). After January 12, 2025, we will not be honoring player refunds.
- What is your current COVID safety guidelines for the Futsal Community? We do not expect our 2025 season to experience restrictions.
- We are not a licensed childcare facility. Marin Futsal is a soccer league for youth ages 5-19 and young adults and does not qualify as a tax deduction. Marin Futsal is not responsible for or provide care for the players - coaches manage their players/team.
- Do you have a Futsal program for pre-Kindergarten children? Yes, this season, we have added a TK Pre-Kindergarten program for 4 year old children. It will be held on Sundays, alongside our current Marin Futsal Academy for K-4th graders. Actual hours of the Academy will be updated mid-December.
Be sure to check out the Coach tab for information on:
1) What is Futsal? 2) Rules of the Game 3) Gym Locations
Do you have a question we have not answered on the site? Feel free to email us at [email protected]